Friday, December 14, 2012

Deload part 2

Hey guys! Just wanna talk a little more about your deload week. In my opinion I believe it is crucial to have a deload week. I use to hammer away at training phases that lasted 6-8 weeks without a break! Man trust me did I learn my lesson. Those are some of the bad habits I had when I first started training. I was not listening to my body they way I should. Ill be the first one to admit it. Not that I thought I was going to get any bigger or stronger. That's just they way I learned to train years back.

Long story short I injured myself by not listening to my body. Dumb!! I should know better, trust me. I was more mad at myself than anything. Well, you learn from your mistakes. I got healthy and started to incorporate more deload weeks into my training phases.

Heck! What do you know, I'm training harder than ever and seeing great results!

So, you might ask what's a deload week? Well, it's a week to give your body a break from the beat down you have been putting yourself through the last 3 weeks. See, I typically go 3 weeks on then a deload week. You wanna give your body a much needed rest and recover to be ready for your next phase of training.

Here is what you want from your deload week:
*you don't want to go to failure on any of your lifts
*no strenuous conditioning sessions
*no heavy lifting of the spine, examples:squats, deads, or weights over 65-70% maxed used on though's lifts.

An example workout in went through today looked like this:

Body weight squats 4x sub max
Band pull part 4x 20
Walking lunges 3x20 each leg
Push ups 3x sub max with different hand positions.
Hanging leg raises 3x15
I kept my rest at about 60 secs.

I kept this real short and sweet. I will be ready to start my new phase here on Sunday. I'm looking forward to crushing it! My body is ready to go!

One more thing before I go. Along with the workout above other great ideas for a deload include a game of pick up basketball, swimming, some ultimate frisbee, and even some walking and light jogging. You don't need to take the week off. Get out and move!

Train to live


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